All my cares disappear

Thank you for your birthday wishes on my last post - I really appreciate it! My birthday was on Monday so after work I came home to a lovely dinner that my mum made - stuffed peppers, my favourite! My cousin surprised me by coming over for dinner. I was happy to see him as I don't get to see him as much as I'd like. We chatted away, laughing at out crazy childhood stories. Afterwards I was thinking about how important people of our childhood can be. There are a lot of people that I treasure from my childhood - cousins, aunties, uncles, friends and their parents, family friends - they always seem to hold a piece of my heart. 

I was so excited about this chocolate mousse cake. It had a layer of caramel and tastes like a Mars Bar! I had first tried it when one of the teachers at school brought it in for another teacher's birthday. I was thrilled to hear it was a Brunetti cake - I love going to Brunetti.

I was planning a birthday day out to Daylesford last Saturday but it was 9°C - way too cold for me! So my family and I went yesterday. It was still pretty cold - 11°C but we had a nice time.

First my mum and I rummaged through The Mills Market and I came away with this Elvis LP. 

It's a bit sentimental to me because a family friend, Adrian, gave me a CD of this album in 2011 and it turned me onto Elvis' music and led to my discovery of lots of other old bands. Thank goodness for that, as I might have still been listening to the cringe-worthy bubblegum pop that I used to listen to as a teenager!

My mum is posing with my bag! She's cute, isn't she?

Next we went to a honey stall, stocked up on honey (I drink it in hot drinks every day - I'm obsessed!) and then went to the Jubilee Lake. I enjoy returning to Daylesford and this lake time and time again - it's my happy place. 

My sister found a few peacock feathers that the peacocks had shed and I was amazed to see baby peacocks - I've never seen them before.

I loved walking around the lake and hills but after a while my dad declared, "It's too cold. My head's frozen!" Earlier in the week, a workmate laughed when I told her that I was hoping it wouldn't be cold in Daylesford because my brain freezes. She thought I was joking, but the cold is more severe there, your head really does freeze!

Anticipating the cold, I decided to rug up in...
Over the knee suede boots - market find.
Afghan style coat - opshopped on the way home from NSW years ago.
Vintage plaid skirt- another $5 secondhand market find (which my mum's eager to steal! Ha!) 
Beret- handmade treasure.

Before heading back home, we had souvlakis and fish and chips for a late lunch. And that was my idea of a perfect day out! 
See you next time. X


  1. Peacocks! Aren't the babies cute? they're always wandering around when we do End of the Road festival.
    Glad you had a lovely birthday. You made me giggle about the weather being too cold. You'd hate it here!
    Love the bag you and your Mum are sharing and that skirt looks great on you. The market looks fab! xxx

    1. Thanks, Vix!
      The baby peacocks were SO cute!

      You may not be able to tell from this post (haha) but I do actually like Winter. Just not when it's too cold. Despite that I'd still love to visit England one day. X

  2. I love peacocks! I must go visit our park's collection again soon. I love your fun vintage vibe, Jess - happy birthday to you! Fun to see your Mum. I linked to you in today's blog entry - you inspired me to wear my snake belt as a necklace!

    1. Thank you, Shiela!
      I love peacocks too - they're so colourful!
      Ooo, thanks for linking to me, I'll have to check it out. X


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