When you're on a holiday, you can't find the words to say

 Day 5 in Eden was a slow, relaxing day that consisted of swimming, feeding the parakeets again and making a Neapolitan Christmas dessert called struffolui that my mum likes to make each year, made of fried balls of dough covered in a honey and sugar syrup.

Day 6 of our holiday began at 10.30am because I had a big sleep in! My sister wanted to visit Stella's Vintage Tea Room in Pambula, so my family and I went there for breakfast. The shelves were lined with beautiful, colourful vintage china.

I had organic hot chocolate and a vanilla slice, how decadent!

I even flicked through a vintage children's book. Who knew Mickey and Minnie had children?

Then we returned to the collectables shop that we'd visited a few days earlier. I admired the humble pie artwork again and the handmade hats and spotted another Micky and Minnie artwork.

A few doors down, a woman was selling her artwork, including this mushroom statue surprisingly made of a plastic bottle and meat tray!

We spent the afternoon wandering around 'Squeaky Beach' in Pambula, a special name coined by my dad because the dry, fine sand makes squeaky sounds as you drag your feet through it.

Coincidentally I wore this same dress at Pambula beach last year!

The evening ended with delicious oysters by the beach and dinner made by my dad and I. He BBQ'd the meat and sausages and I cooked the sautéed peppers and honey and butter carrots. 

When we went for an evening walk, I couldn't resist taking my annual photo by the fish wall. See here, here and here for more smoochy shots.

Only one more holiday post left, see you next week!

Title: Island in the Sun by Weezer.


  1. How sweet are those tearooms? That hat collection is about the same size as mine - I don't feel so bad about it now!
    You look lovely in your white dress. The perfect thing for summer!
    Those doughnuts sound exactly like Loukoumades which you get in Crete. xxx

  2. That vintage tea room looks like my kind of place, and I can't get over the size of that vanilla slice!
    Your Mum's struffolui look and sound absolutely delicious!
    And aren't you and your Mum both dressed to the nines? xxx


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