Let's hope it's a good one, without any fear

 Happy New Year! 

2020. It has already been deemed one hell of a year. For my family and I, it started with lots of terror as we rushed to escape the New South Wales bush fires. That was truly traumatic and I can't even begin to imagine how people who lost their homes or loved ones feel.

Then by February, we were all too aware of corona virus and it's restrictions on our lives. Many people suffered in various ways, whether it be financially, socially, emotionally. Having a family member catch coronavirus was really scary and stressful but thank goodness he is alive and well. So many have died due to this pandemic and the numbers are truly shocking. After two lockdowns in Melbourne, I am glad that restrictions have now drastically eased. To all those in lockdown overseas, please have hope that if you stay home and keep doing the right thing, restrictions will eventually be eased.

For the most part, I have tried to remain optimistic and hopeful. If certain plans were interrupted, I planned something else I could do. If I couldn't got out and about freely, then I found ways to entertain myself at home... reading, embroidering, crocheting, cooking, growing sunflowers, getting dressed up for no reason or going for lots of walks. This has certainly been a year of creativity for me. 

Some of this year's embroidery creations...


Some of  my crochet creations...


And a year to rediscover nature. But you already knew about its wonders, didn't you?


And if I couldn't catch up with friends or family, I talked to them through video calls. Change is hard for most people, so if you are struggling I would recommend looking for some alternative solutions. What can you do instead?

Oftentimes, musicians of the past inspire me through their music or words. Good ol' Elvis once said the key to happiness is "someone to love, something to do and something to look forward to". How very true that is.  What are you looking forward to in the new year?

Life is short and it's impossible to be happy all the time, but I think it's important to make each day count and to treasure the things and people in your life. Make a mental note each day of 5 things you're grateful for or congratulate yourself on 5 tasks you've done each day (however big or small) and see if your mindset improves.

Anyway, I'm getting all preachy now. What I really want to say is thank you for sticking around. This year will no doubt go down in history. We made it! What a time to be alive! And as the Rolling Stones sang, 'ain't it good to be alive?' I catch myself thinking that all the time.

 I hope you have a happy and safe new year. Be careful and look after yourself. 


I think John Lennon said it best when he sang..."Let's hope it's a good one, without any fear".

Lots of love to you.


 Title: Happy Xmas (War is Over) by John Lennon and Yoko Ono.



  1. What a lovely post.
    Amazing crochet creations and some very useful advice.
    Wishing you and yours all the best for 2021. x

  2. What a wonderful post, Jess.
    I'm so glad restrictions have been drastically eased in our part of the world. It's a little ray of hope for us here, even though it would require everybody doing their bit, which seems to be a bit of a problem here. So frustrating that you're doing what's required and your neighbours, so to speak, aren't.
    Like you, I am trying to keep optimistic and certainly have no problem to keep myself occupied. I find it particularly hard for my husband, who is in his 70s, and sees so many plans go to waste. For him - and thus for me too - time is very precious and we'll never get back the time we lost!
    Wishing you and your lovely family all the best for 2021, and let's indeed hope it's a good one, without any fear! xxx

    1. Thank you Ann.
      As long as we try to do the right thing, that's what's important. Unfortunately we cannot control the poor choices of others.

      I feel for you and your husband too. Wishing you happy memories for 2021. X

  3. Hello Jess, a big happy new year to you! I have just been watching Australia's fireworks on the news and thought of you. So nice to see your gorgeous smiley face and wonderful creations. It has been quite a year hasn't it, but you're right, we made the best of it that we possibly could, and there is plenty to be thankful for. My heart goes out to the families of those who lost lives in the Bush fires and through Covid. Lulu xXx

    1. Thank you Lulu.
      You got to see the Australian fireworks?! That's awesome. I didn't get to see any this year but that's a story for another blog posts. X

  4. Happy New Year, Jess! What a crazy year 2020 has been, eh? Like you, I've been trying to get my creativity on and deal with my mental health. It's been such a weird, weird year, complicated by regular ol' life on top of the pandemic.

    Here's to a better year ahead! *toast* Thank you for your lovely posts and your sunshiny attitude. I've very much enjoyed your posts, and look forward to more!


    1. Thank you dear Shiela. I find creativity and keeping busy is good for my mental health. It's great that you've had time to focus on yours.

      I've loved reading your posts too. See you over on your blog soon. X

  5. Happy New Year, Jess! Sorry, I must have missed a couple of posts.
    I'm glad you've used your lockdown time constructively with your lovely crochet and new embroidery skills, creating is the best thing for focusing your mind and helping to stay positive.
    In answer to your question over on mine, yes, we're back in lockdown. 1 in 50 people in England now have Covid, it's worse now than it was in March! xxx

    1. Oh gosh, that's terrible to hear. Every time the UK is mentioned on the news here, it just seems to sound worse and worse. Take care and stay safe Vix. X

  6. Happy new year! So nice hearing all the fulfilling and creative ways you were able to fill your time during lockdown and beyond and what a great Elvis quote! Its good to see such a positive mindset. Things are so crazy here in the US now, it's good to have a reminder to think of all the good things I've got in my life, despite all the madness going on elsewhere.

  7. This is a lovely recap! I love your positive attitude! Your knits and embroidery works are beautiful! Here's to hoping 2021 has so many good things in store.


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