I'll Follow the Sun

Day 3 of our holiday to Lorne started off with a nature hike to Erskine Falls. A friend from work recommended seeing the waterfall and it was definitely worth the trip. 

My dad and sister ventured through the rocks to get a closer look. I was making my way over until my sister slipped off the slippery rocks and into the water and I decided, nope, not doing that!

This is as much "glamour" as I could muster up for hiking, with a limited holiday wardrobe. I just wore my velvet leopard pants, runners and an old Rolling Stones tshirt. I didn't quite blend in with the masses of people wearing black and leggings! 

We then drove to Teddy's Lookout which amazed me even more than the waterfall. Everywhere you looked, there was a beautiful view of the ocean. The sound of the waves was so calming. I really didn't want to ever leave.

On Easter Monday, our last day in Lorne, we packed our suitcases and drove home. We stopped off at Torquay Beach. 

I'm the sort of person who's always happy at a beach.

Outfit details:
Belt and tooled bag: Vintage.
Boots and sunglasses: Secondhand market finds. 
(I've been searching for brown boots for ages, ever since I wore out my old favourites).
Necklace: Italian-made pendants bought in St. Mary's Cathedral from last year's trip to Sydney.

I enjoyed wearing this outfit so much that I decided to wear it all again (minus the sunglasses and bag!) for school photos last week. I'd hate to be a plainly dressed teacher!

And that's the last of my Lorne blog posts! I'm glad I've documented this holiday here. See you next Sunday in a new blog post. X


  1. Your poor sister slipping at those falls!
    Love your purple beach dress! xxx

    1. I know, I felt sorry for her walking around with one wet socks, but she didn't mind.
      Thank you, I love this dress! X

  2. Someone always goes in when there are slippery rocks, right? Glad you were dressy compared to all the leggings-wearers! I LOVE that purple dress. What a stunner! I love beaches too - they're all rocky on the west coast of Canada!

    1. Wow, the beaches are rocky? I can't imagine that. I've heard that they're like that in Italy too. Either way, beaches are wonderful. X


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