You could be my silver spring



I have soooo been looking forward to spring this year. The warmer weather, the beautiful blossoms and wearing dresses again - that is what makes spring wonderful to me!

This week, I had to dress up and capture some photos in front of our fruit trees before the strong winds blew the blossoms away. I thought a pink dress was perfect for this occasion.

But as I was rifling through my dresses, I noticed this cream vintage dress that I bought earlier this year for $10 at a market and haven't worn yet. We're still in lockdown so I can't envision that I'm going to go out and wear it anytime soon, so why not wear it at home?

What I love most about this dress is the floaty sleeves. On instagram, I sometimes see whole posts dedicated to them, so I know I'm not the only one out there who adores interesting sleeves! The vintage label says that it was made in California in 1972 - how amazing to know the exact year it was made. My mum and sister both remarked it looked like a wedding dress and it is so beautiful that I can imagine some fabulous lady in the seventies totally enjoying her wedding day in this outfit.

What do you think?

Title: Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac.




  1. Jess, I LOOOOOOOOOOOVVVEEE your cream vintage dress!!!!! How very beautiful you look in it too. It is perfect for a 70s wedding, or good ol' haunting, or just floating around the garden. What an absolute bargain too. Any vintage dress that could be used for a wedding seems to an extortionate price on eBay. It is so lovely to see your spring blooming, as the tilt of our earth shifts and our Cornish autumn mists slowly creep in. Stunning blossom. Perfect post. Lulu xXx

  2. Yes indeed, the pink dress was just perfect for posing in front of those gorgeously blossoming fruit trees. But it's the cream vintage dress which totally captured my heart. I love absolutely everything about it, not in the least those delightful floaty sleeves! xxx

  3. That was definitely a wedding dress - it is incredibly beautiful, and you look just gorgeous in it, Jess. Love your pink dress and the pics of the blossoms!

  4. The fabric shouts 1970s wedding dress to me - it look fantastic on you! x


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