So glad we've almost made it

 Hello! I almost wasn't going to post this week because I've been so busy and mentally tired. I'm in the process of writing student reports and to save myself from feeling overwhelmed during the week, I completed some work on Saturday. *Sigh of relief*. I'm not complaining though as I know I'm very fortunate to have a job, especially during a tumultuous pandemic.

 Victoria has had 30 days of no new COVID-19 cases - hooray! We are now not required to wear face masks outdoors if we are able to socially distance.


Other than work, I have been trying to squeeze in some fun. Over the last couple of weekends, I've visited family and family friends and I'd like to catch up with some other friends before Christmas. I've been op-shopping and yesterday I came away with Season 1 of Everybody Loves Raymond, a TV show that I came to love this year during lock-down.

This morning, I was in a cooking mood so I made gingerbread cookies and homemade pasta and then visited Spotlight. Do you have Spotlight stores where you live? It's probably my favourite retail store as it has every imaginable type of supply for people who like to create. I particularly like the sections with the embroidery thread, wool and fabric. This morning I was thrilled to find these cute Mr. and Mrs. Claus salt and pepper shakers for $7. They were 30% off due to the Black Friday sales.

I've taken a break from walking for the past couple of weeks and it's left me feeling sluggish so I started exercising again. I usually wear a t-shirt and leggings when going for walk but recently thought I'd show off my crochet creation.



I made this during lock-down when I didn't have any spare wool. So I figured I'd unravel an unfavourable blanket and turn it into a halterneck top! Voila!  


I'm so glad we've almost made it... to Christmas that is! I'm a Christmas enthusiast and will hopefully photograph some of the festivities over the next few weeks.

Hope you are all well and staying safe.


Title: Everybody wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears.

(I was reminded of how much I love this song when I heard it playing in an op-shop yesterday).


  1. That top is fabulous, love the zingy colour.
    We don't have Spotlight here, there's a chain here called Hobbycraft that sells any creative thing known to man, I've only been a couple of times but always come out with more than i need.
    Hope you get to grips with the report writing and aren't too stressed.
    Wonderful news on the Covd situation! xxx

    1. Thanks Vix. Hobbycraft sounds like just my kind of store. X

  2. That top is amazing and what's great is that no one else will have one quite like it! As Vix says, Hobbycraft sounds like the UK equivalent to Spotlight. Likewise, I have only been a couple of times to the one in Truro (Cornwall's only 'city' in that is has a handsome Cathedral, but it feels more like a town)... but I could potentially spend hours in there.

    Continuing good news on Victoria's no covid cases. Our UK wide lockdown ends next week and we're back into a 'tiered system'. As Cornwall has low cases, we along with the Scilly Isles and the Isle of Wright are on Tier 1 (fewer restrictions). Most are on Tier 2 (moderate restrictions) with some northern cities such as Brum, Manchester, Leeds are on Tier 3 (high alert - tougher restrictions).

    I like you Jess am on the countdown to Christmas! Best of luck with all the marking (my mam was a teacher and I remember her spending many a weekend doing this). Lulu x

    1. Thanks Lulu!
      Hobbycraft sounds lovely and I can spend hours in Spotlight too.

      Glad to hear the Covid cases are low in Cornwall. Keep safe. X

  3. Not having had new cases in 30 days must be the best news ever, and I do wish we were already going down that road. Did you have to wear masks everywhere outside? We only have to do so in busy places, where social distancing isn't guaranteed, and inside shops obviously. How lovely to be able to go op-shopping again, by the way! I'm loving the Mr. and Mrs. Claus salt and pepper shakers!
    Your crocheted halter-neck top is absolutely fabulous!
    I hope the report writing isn't too stressful! xxx

    1. Oh it is stressful! I just want to get it all done but it's a process so I don't want to rush through it.

      Yes, we had to wear masks outdoor for a long time (unless jogging), up until recently.

      Thanks for the compliments about my halter neck, Ann. X

  4. Those salt and pepper shakers are so cute! :)
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

  5. You turned a blanket into a cute top?! Wow! You have mad skills. :)

    I latched onto "Everyone..." when it was first broadcast, being familiar with Ray Romano because he grew up near me. I recognized that the show, depicting family dynamics with Marie at the center, would resonate. And it did. Have you ever heard of Philip Rosenthal? He created the show and now has a fun food travelogue called "Somebody Feed Phil." Check it out if you like friendly people and food. (Who doesn't?!)

    1. Thanks Ally!
      Ray Ramano grew up near you? Very cool.

      No I haven't of Phil but the food travelogue sounds interesting. X

  6. I love the top and how funny you talk abut gingerbread cookies just as I read this drinking a cup of Gingerbread Cookie flavoured coffee.
    Good news about the face masks too.

    1. Gingerbread cookie flavoured coffee?!! That sounds delicious. X

  7. the top turned out fabulous!
    much better than a boring blanket :-D
    homemade pasta and cookies sound wonderful......
    we are in 2. lockdown here in germany thanks to many covidiots.

    1. Thank you dear! It's a different look for me.

      Hope the Covid cases go down in your area. X

  8. That song reminds me of my high school graduation! :)

    That is great news about Victoria not having any cases for 30 days! I hope things will loosen up more for you soon!

    Love that you made a halter out of your blanket - what a smart idea!

    1. What a memorable graduation song!

      I didn't have any other wool so thought I'd better be resourceful. Thanks Shiela. X


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