A new day will dawn for those who stand long

This time last year I was happily frolicking around a park after a visit to an op-shop.


The tulips were dazzling and I was shimmering in my vintage fringed skirt.


The ducks even came out to say hello!

  I remember an elderly lady struck up a conversation with mum and I and we talked about our love of fashion. The lady told us how she loved collecting pink clothing and we admired her pink outfit. She was so sweet. I love how fashion is such a great conversation starter.


 On that particular day, I scored a vintage scarf made in Italy and a vintage patchwork skirt.


 While many in the world exhale a collective sigh of relief over the news that Biden has won the American presidency, Melbourne is also relieved in the latest corona-virus figures. We've had 8 days of zero cases and people are starting to enjoy eating out and shopping again. As Tuesday was a public holiday, mum and I were glad to pop into an opshop, a simple pleasure that we haven't been able to do in quite a while. Masks on and a liberal use of sanitiser made us feel comfortable looking around. I ended up finding a 'Tree of Life' wrap skirt that I'll use as a strapless dress and a handmade halterneck dress with a fab pattern. I can't wait to wear them and share photos some photos on here!


Outfit details:

 Vintage bag ($5 or $10), vintage skirt ($5), Boots ($5), vintage bag($5): Secondhand market. Can you tell I'm a thrifty $5 chick?

Turtleneck: Retail.


After dressing up as Dorothy for Book Week last week, I had an idea to embroider a Wizard of Oz scene onto a pillow. Mind you, I had this bright idea at 11pm one weekend night and stayed up to all hours, sketching it onto a pillow and adding all the details. I'm a complete nonna that likes to go to bed early, so this was big for me! 


The idea in my head looked something like this photo above, except with more details that I'll add to it.

Each day after work, I've been enjoying embroidering. It's always great to be excited about a craft project. As it's quite elaborate and large, it'll take some time to create but perhaps I'll share some progress photos here on the blog.

I hope you're finding joy at this time, even in the "little things". 

What have you been up to?


Title: Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin.

The title lyrics seem to sum up this year to me. Hang in there!


  1. Love this outfit - the skirt is gorgeous! :)
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

  2. I had to think of you yesterday, Jess. There was a top 70 of the 70s on one of our local radio stations and I thought Jess would love this! It was a real trip down memory lane and I caught myself singing along to songs I'd completely forgotten about!
    Your post is a trip down memory lane as well, albeit a much shorter one to this time last year. Your outfit is just perfect! I'm loving the fringed skirt and that gorgeous handbag.
    I've certainly enjoyed the little things these last couple of days. We might be in semi-lockdown but the sun was shining and we went for lots of walks.
    Can't wait to see your new finds and the embroidered pillow! xxx

    1. Ooo yes I'd love listening to the 'top 70 of the 70s', Ann.

      Appreciating the little things is so important. I'm the same, I always love the sun and going for walks. X

  3. I'm kind of regretting selling your skirt's twin last year (but she was a lovely lady and I do have a lot of clothes!)
    I'm glad you're enjoying life and relishing to new freedoms after such an intense lockdown.
    Very excited about your embroidery project! xxx

    1. Yay, I'm excited too! Thanks Vix.

      I know the feeling. It's good to let some clothes go, especially as we love collecting them and have a lot, but sometimes there is a little tinge of regret. X

  4. I love the colours of the photographs and I agree fashion is a great conversation starter and it is always nice to notice every generation.

    1. So very true.
      Thanks for visiting my blog. X

  5. Whoaaa love that patchwork skirt!
    I am also breathing a sigh of relief at Biden's win over here haha. We still have a LONG way to go with covid though. I'm very glad to hear Melbourne is doing so well and you got to enjoy a nice day out!
    Good luck with your embroidery! Starting a new project is always super exciting. I'd love to see progress pictures, I'm sure it's going to turn out amazing!

    1. Thanks Ashley! I'll get around to sharing new progress photos soon. X

  6. That’s some positive news regarding Melbourne Covid numbers. The world feels a little safer already now Trump is vacating (or should be vacating) the White House. The pink elderly lady sounds awesome. Lovely park pictures, fab outfit and I can see a Bird of Paradise flower peeping out from the foliage! Lulu x

    1. Thanks Lulu.
      Ooo is that what these flowers are called. I didn't know that, thanks! X

  7. That is a really cool fringed skirt, Jess! I also love your patchwork mini!

    I've been reading about the Australian COVID numbers - well done on your country clearing things up so fast! I hope Canada is not too far behind, but numbers are not looking good. I'm so glad we live on an island and have that isolation.

    I did a "crafternoon" of beading! It was so fun!

    1. Thanks Ann.
      Crafternoon - I'm going to start using that phrase! X

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    1. Yes kindness and positivity is so important. X


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