Turning back, she just laughs, the boulevard is not that bad

I finished writing my students’ reports this week – yay! Students, families and teachers have done an amazing job working together to support the children’s learning from home this term. I know I'm giving myself a pat on the back, but it is well deserved.

During the week, my sister and I were thrilled to get a package in the mail from my uncle’s girlfriend. She has a cake business and kindly surprised us with some biscuits. It was quite fun being able to decorate them with edible paint. It was just last week that I was wishing that I had some paint as I’ve run out and the universe must have been listening to me. Thank you again Leanne, if you’re reading this, I so enjoyed painting these biscuits!

Although it’s spring here in Melbourne, it was freezing yesterday, so I stayed in my coat for most of the day. This is my Penny Lane, Afghan-style coat, which I wear all the time but is particularly relevant now that it’s the 20 year anniversary since the film Almost Famous was released.  I LOVE that film. It speaks to the heart of every vintage fashion and music lover.

My outfit came about by mistake, actually. It all started with the orange beret. I recently cut my own fringe, which I’ve been doing for years, but I always seem to cut it a bit too short - whoops! So I popped on this beret to flatten it out a bit.

Then I paired it with this crochet bag I made, which has been sitting in the kitchen because I’ve been meaning to make an insert for it. I love how this look came together with the lovely bits of orange. And of course, there’s nothing in my bag. It’s just for visual effect. We are still in lock-down, after all. I’m not going anywhere! Haha.

Each day after work, I have been enjoying a cup of my homemade lemon curd ice-cream. It’s so delicious. But do you know what’s even better? Homemade coffee ice-cream! I used my mum’s recipe and when I told my work friend that it’s really hard to stop eating, she just laughed! But really, my family and I ate it all before I got a chance to photograph it! I’ll try to take a quick snap the next time I make it.

I don’t know what looks better – the ice-cream or these roses in the backyard. Aren’t they stunning?

Anyway, I’m off to enjoy my Saturday. I’ll be spending some time in the garden, reading and I’ll probably watch Almost Famous this evening. What are your plans for the weekend?

(One of the best scenes in Almost Famous, I’m sure you’ll agree.)



  1. Lovely photos! I can't believe you painted those cookies - they look great!
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

  2. Oh my goodness Jess, those cookies are brilliant! What a treat. My kids would love painting cookies and I think I would too! I do love a good beret, and it looks great with your rock star coat and crochet bag. Lemon curd ice cream by the roses...sounds like a perfect way to spend a Saturday. Enjoy your movie, Lulu x

    1. Lemon curd icecream by the roses. Someone ought to write a song about that! X

  3. Yes, you certainly deserve a pat on the back, Jess. This past term cannot have been easy! Those painted biscuits look fabulous and surely too good to eat! I'm loving your Afghan coat, a piece of clothing that certainly was part of my 1970s wardrobe. I'm sorry to hear that lockdown is still ongoing. I would have gone stir crazy by now. Although having home made ice cream to look forward to at the end of the day would be a great incentive! xxx

    1. Ann, you had an Afghan coat in the 70s, Ann?! Very cool! Whatever happened to it?

      Yes, this icecream habit of mine is getting out of hand! I enjoy it too much! X

  4. Those roses are gorgeous - I bet they smell heavenly. I'm just in so much admiration: your cookies/biscuits that you painted, your fringe-trimming (I'm chicken to do it), your crocheted bag! I loved Almost Famous when it came out (I saw it in the theatres), such a great movie. "Tiny Dancer" is a beautiful song.

    1. Thanks Shiela! You ought to try trimming your own fringe one day but if you don't want to risk a wonky fringe then it's probably better to go to a hairdresser.

      You got to see Almost Famous in the cinemas?! Lucky you! X


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