And when those blue snowflakes start falling

Ahh December, what a month you were! Racing to the end of the work year, enjoying Christmas gatherings, watching a Christmas movie or two and having the weather heat up in Melbourne. My December began with my boyfriend's birthday. We went out to a Korean BBQ restaurant for dinner and I made him a tiramisu cake. Isn't he cute? A week later, my sister surprised my family and I with a pistachio panettone from Cannoli Bar . The pistachio cream was delicious and the highlight of the panettone. My mum wanted to do a small Christmas lunch this year with my family, uncle and boyfriend. Thank you mum, everything was delicious. We chatted the day away and listened to old 70s and 80s songs. For my sister's birthday, I made another tiramisu cake and got her yellow roses and a pair of black Converse runners which she loves to wear. She is the most beautiful, smart, caring, supportive sister and friend I could ask for. In my mind, we are always this little together. My mum and I also to...