Comin' Tuesday I feel better, even my old man looks good

Hello! I've managed to find some time to blog - hooray! Life is as busy as ever and there's only two more weeks until the end of term. In my down time, I like to prioritise what I want to do the most. What I enjoy most is spending time with my boyfriend and my family but then I also try to squeeze in friends, reading, embroidering, going for walks and sometimes cooking.
Here's some things I've been up to lately...

1. Going out to eat with my family. I like going out once in a while and trying different foods at different places. And then I also like revisiting my favourite places to eat too.

2. Going on walks and admiring nature.
I adore these lantern trees and would love to have some one day. My sister noticed that they're actually three trees, twirled together to make it look like there are different flowers growing from the one tree. So beautiful.  

3. Going to a concert. I haven't been to one in ages! My sister organised the tickets on the day of the concert, on a Tuesday, it was very last minute. There I was worrying that I didn't want to go out of a week night because I'd be too tired for work the next day, but I really enjoyed myself and felt like my old concert-going self again.
 I wish I had've taken a photo with a man who attended the concert. He dressed up in a full KISS outfit, all black with the silver details plus platform boots with silver stars on them (where can I get a pair??) and enev wore a black curly wig, 80s style! I didn't get the picture, but I think you get the picture. 

4. Spending time with friends. My friend from work, Alyssa had a winery tour for her birthday and I'd never been to one before! I love how she is so outgoing and great at organising events and get-togethers, I wish I was more like that.

I thought I wouldn't be able to handle all the tastings of wine, but I had lots of fun, enjoyed meeting new people and the very last moscato we had was really nice.

And that brings me to today... it's Father's Day! I have spent the morning with my dad, dedo, mum and sister, chatting over tea and cake and spending time in the backyard. I made lunch and pavlova for my dad and we'll have a dinner of lasagne with my dedo and uncle later on. 
I hope you are having a lovely day and capturing all the little moments in life that give you joy. 
Title: Friday On My Mind by Australian 60s band The Easybeats.  



  1. I know finding time to blog can sometimes be hard. After all, we all have jam-packed lives to live, don't we? I'm glad to see you were able to squeeze in time spent with family and friends, and that you even went to a Kiss concert on a school night! That pavlova is looking seriously yummy by the way! xxx

  2. Oh, your pavlova looks amazing! I know, it's hard to find time to do all the things we want to do! A friend who is a good organizer is crucial - make sure you thank her! (I'm the organizer in my group). You went to see KISS?? I'm so jealous - I would love to see them, but bands so rarely come to our island and it's SO expensive to get to the mainland/stay overnight.

    Yay for Father's Day!


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