A photo a day: Work holidays in lockdown
I am so glad to be on my work holidays. I'm okay with teaching from home during lockdown but just like any other school term, I am exhausted by the end of it. It usually takes me a few days to rest and feel somewhat normal again. These holidays, I decided to take a photo a day to document little moments of joy. Day 1 & 2: Saturday and Sunday. Over the weekend, I spent some time in the sunshine. Marvelling at the hammock my dad bought from Aldi, I declared that laying in it and looking at the sky was even better than meditation! I snapped some photos of ladybugs in the garden. As children, my sister and I believed that if a ladybug landed on you, it was good luck. I also spent a lot of time with my boyfriend. I treasure weekends with him. Day 3: Monday On Monday, I made ravioli. I made every part of it - the dough and the ricotta filling plus the mushroom, wine and creamy sauce. After spending what felt like hours rolling out the dough, making the ravioli, cook...